GoDot C64 Image Processing
Support Area Archive

This list is filetype oriented and ordered by date. The table below
shows the WINDOWS filename on the left, then the file length in bytes, then
the GoDot filename it must be renamed to, and the revision number of that
file. At last an added comment.

For UCUGA workshop articles, click here.



doodle.ldr         840  ldr.Doodle        1.04  16.07.98
4barith.ldr       2539  ldr.4Bit&Arith    1.03  07.08.98
4bmap.ldr         2521  ldr.4Bit&Map      1.03  09.08.98
hi-eddi.ldr        826  ldr.Hi-Eddi       1.00  16.01.99  a Scanntronik format
truepaint.ldr     1625  ldr.TruePaint     1.01  13.10.99
drazpaint.ldr     1314  ldr.DrazPaint     1.01  16.10.99
fli-designer.ldr   872  ldr.FLI-Designer  1.00  21.11.99  for pics on FUNET.FI
sctdigitizer.ldr  1177  ldr.ScTDigitizer  1.06  20.05.00
zx-spectrum.ldr   1079  ldr.ZX-Spectrum   0.99  26.09.00
snapshot.ldr      1040  ldr..SnapShot     1.03  09.10.00
fgmclipart.ldr     759  ldr.FGM-Clipart   1.02  27.04.01
printmst.ldr       781  ldr.Printmaster   1.02  05.05.01  also for Printshop
newsroom.ldr       780  ldr.Newsroom      1.02  11.07.01  for clips and banners
loadstar.ldr      1245  ldr.Loadstar      1.02  30.10.05
4brgb.ldr         1206  ldr.4BitRGB       1.02  03.01.02
4brgbd.ldr        1411  ldr.4BitRGBd      1.01  03.01.02
saracen.ldr        739  ldr.SaracenPaint  1.01  30.10.05
artist64.ldr       739  ldr.Artist64      1.01  30.10.05
cdupaint.ldr       750  ldr.CDUPaint      1.01  30.10.05
vidcom.ldr         750  ldr.VidCom        1.02  30.10.05
images.ldr         741  ldr.ImageSystem   1.02  30.10.05
4bgodot.ldr       2346  ldr.4BitGoDot     1.14  05.08.03
4bmask.ldr        2481  ldr.4Bit&Mask     1.10  28.08.04
geopaint.ldr      2523  ldr.GeoPaint      1.01  17.12.03  for GEOS VLIR files



hi-eddi.svr       1495  svr.Hi-Eddi       1.00  16.01.99
doodle.svr        1618  svr.Doodle        1.02  14.06.01
koala.svr         1740  svr.Koala         1.02  14.06.01
loadstar.svr      1742  svr.Loadstar      1.01  14.06.01
bmp.svr           2313  svr.PC-BMP        1.00  08.12.01
gif.svr           3021  svr.GIF           1.05  05.12.03  REU required!
postscript.svr    3359  svr.PostScript    1.04  05.12.03  new palettes included



smon.mod          4098  mod..SMON         1.00  07.07.97
tileclip.mod      1297  mod.TileClip      1.01  07.04.98
plasma.mod        1939  mod.Plasma        1.00  03.09.98  by Martin Bohnet
twirl.mod         2775  mod.Twirl         1.01  01.11.98  by Martin Bohnet
goo.mod           3269  mod.Goo           1.01  07.11.98  by Martin Bohnet
spin.mod          2749  mod.Spin          1.01  22.11.98  by Martin Bohnet
apcols.mod         356  mod.ApplyColors   1.01  28.07.00
filetype.mod      2933  mod..FileType     1.02  14.10.00
quikmask.mod       932  mod.QuickMask     1.03  14.01.01  by Martin Bohnet
clipinfo.mod       646  mod..ClipInfo     1.00  02.02.01
reutool.mod       1417  mod.REUTool       1.02  09.04.01
lexmark.mod       2201  mod.Lexmark.drv   1.05  29.05.01  (still beta)
changedir.mod     1800  mod..ChangeDir    1.04  20.07.01  
showfils.mod       138  mod..ShowFiles    1.00  09.08.01
scandriv.mod       487  mod..ScanDrives   1.01  13.08.01
maskedit.mod      2252  mod.MaskEd        1.01  07.01.02
chgparts.mod      1380  mod..ChangeParts  1.01  15.01.02
showvdc.mod        907  mod.ShowVDCFloyd  1.01  03.02.02
decgifhi.mod      2753  mod.DecodeGIFhir  1.01  16.03.02  GIF decoder for hires results
drawmask.mod      1457  mod.DrawMask      1.03  30.03.02  thanks Greg Nacu
balcol.mod        1402  mod.BalancingCol  1.00  06.04.02  balancing for colors!
squeeze.mod       1130  mod.Squeeze2Clip  1.03  10.08.03
stretchclp.mod    1166  mod.StretchClip   1.03  10.08.03
convertjpg.mod    1049  mod.ConvertJPG    1.00  18.09.03  loaded with ldr.JPGViewer
btm24bit.mod       371  mod.BitmapTo4Bit  1.00  02.11.03  convert $2000 area to 4bit



reu.dev           1361  dev.REU           1.04  23.09.03



4bit2fli.htm     15563  commented source code by Todd Elliott
congopix.zip     82504  ZIP contains 18 nice pix of different formats
godoteps.zip    123829  ZIP contains 10 GoDot-generated PostScriptII images
                         for use with Maurice Randall's PostPrint2/3



4bits           <DIR>  some sample 4bit pictures to be viewed using GoDot or
                       Todd Elliott's Wheels-based "dotView" obtainable at
                       More information within the directory.

eps             <DIR>  some sample EPS pictures generated by GoDot and its
                       saver svr.PostScript (see above). The files are
                       individual files, but all of them are zipped to save
                       download time. To unzip use Todd Elliott's geoZIP.
                       More information within the directory.

iflis           <DIR>  contains true IFLI pictures for direct use with Funpainter II
                       or viewers that are meant for FP2 pictures. Some of the
                       images are from demos, some are GoDot conversions.

workshops       <DIR>  contains images used in the UCUGA digest workshop articles


If you ever encounter problems, have questions or suggestions, email to

Have fun!

Arndt Dettke
(c) 2001, Arndt Dettke, arndt@godot64.de