GoDot C64 Image Processing
Image Download Area
This list is date oriented. The last file entry is the first to read. Feel free
to download any file from here. We tried to trace down the authorships but in
most cases we weren't successful. We are glad about hints and advice however,
sendable to support@godot64.de. This area is divided into sections, in SCANS you
find GoDot made scans (w/ mod.Handyscanner), in DIGIS you find GoDot digitized
images (w/ mod.ScTDigitizer), some of them being 12-bit images separated into
three sections relating to the filter used (red, green, blue). They can be
viewed in GoDot using ldr.4BitRGBd. Third section is CONVERSIONS which contains
images that formerly have been PC- or MAC images w/ more colors (GIFs or JPGs).
eyethdog.4bt    01-08-27        Todd Elliott's doggy, contributed by Todd
toddhome.4bt    01-08-27        Todd Elliott busy at his machine, contributed by Todd
kngtut.4bt      01-06-04        Famous Tut Anch Amun picture from Amiga, repainted for C64, originator: ?
puma.4bt        01-06-04        originator: ?
Lilly.4bt       01-06-04        "Lilly Croft" of GO64! ads
Snoopy.4bt      01-06-04        Snoopy by Charles M. Schulz
Timemast.4bt    01-06-04        "Time Masters" 1954 by Virgil Finlay
Iron52.4bt      01-06-04        "The Death of Iron" 1952 by Virgil Finlay
Millyear.4bt    01-06-04        "A Million Years to Conquer" 1952 by Virgil Finlay
Rayhouse.4bt    01-06-04        "Rayhouse in Space" 1941 by Rod Ruth
Buckrogers.4bt  01-06-04        "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" 1930 by Phil Nowlan and Dick Calkins
Ladyface.4bt    01-06-04        originator: ?
p350.zip        02-01-03        A Playmate image by Playboy (fake 12bit)
pk.zip          02-01-03        first ever taken GoDot 12bit digi

alidundeco.4bt  03-10-22        from a Sony digital camera (was a JPG)
bridge.4bt      03-10-22        a GIF from the MS Office Clipart library
desert.4bt      03-10-22        from a GIF picture
Mountains.4bt   01-06-04        from MS Office Clipart
P318.4bt        01-06-04        from Playboy magazine
P332.4bt        01-06-04        from Playboy magazine
P382.4bt        01-06-04        from Playboy magazine
Tigress.4bt     01-06-04        this one from ConGo pictures demoing geoPaint images
Contributions are welcome! Send via email to support@godot64.de
(c) 2003, Arndt Dettke, arndt@godot64.de